Continued progress on my Cartier watch design


There has been some free time with the job search. I've been utilizing that time to better my CAD skills. Some time ago, I sketched a Cartier watch for Sketchwars. I've been practicing Solidworks by modeling this design. I would say that its progressing pretty well. The watch face and movement should be an interesting challenge!



After winning last weeks Sketchwars, I was allowed to choose the topic for this week. For this week, I wanted to re-live a fun project from Soulcake times with rayguns. It was a great excuse to be fun and loose. With rayguns, you can explore form, color and materials.

Lately, I haven't been hand sketching as much. I thought this project would be a good way to practice form exploration and to feel comfortable sketching with pen. It was a lot of fun to create nice pen drawings and to color with the computer. As a designer, I feel that I should still feel comfortable sketching with traditional media. I should be less afraid to be loose.

An aggressive John Deere riding lawnmower for Sketchwars

Sketchwars John Deere.jpg

Its been a little while since I've posted for Sketchwars. This weeks topic is lawnmowers. The first thing that came to mind is a John Deere riding lawnmower. The green and yellow color scheme is very iconic. As I was sketching the lawnmower, I was fiddling around with the proportions and decided to make it more aggressive. I incorporated some influences from ATVs and modern SUV styling. The result is a more modern interpretation of the John Deere riding lawnmower. I had to throw in the classic Photoshop grass brush as well :P

My Cartier watch design in Solidworks

Cartier render.11.jpg
Watch3 6.24.19.png
Watch2  6.24.19.png
Cartier ideation.jpg
Cartier watch.jpg

Lately I've been interviewing for a new position and have been learning a lot about where I stand as a designer and where I want to go. One area where I would like to improve is with my CAD skills. CAD is a very powerful tool for designers, especially when you are trying to make an idea work for manufacturing. Seeing an idea go into production is an area where I would like to have more involvement.

With this exercise, I chose to model a Cartier sketch from a prior Sketchwars entry. At Dell, I was using Creo. Most companies use Solidworks, so I thought this would be a good way to become more familiar with that program. A lot of techniques are applicable, but the interface is different from Creo.

Personally, I really love watches. I consider watches to be a form of jewelry, another way to express your style. I'm a big fan of Nixon, Bell and Ross, Cartier and other fine watches. This has been a really great exercise, and I'm looking forward to honing down the details.

My Evo X for Sketchwars

Sketchwars_EvoX before.jpg

This weeks Sketchwars topic was to redesign your car. You’re encouraged to go wild with dents and spoilers. I drive a Mitsubishi Evolution X, so this topic was perfect. My car is running great, but the paint is fading. I’m envisioning how my car will look if I put more money into aftermarket parts turning it into a rally/drift car.