Sketchwars 2024

I’ve been a little busy during this past year. This year started off busy with CES. It’s now Chinese New Year and things have slowed down a bit. I’ve been an active participant of Sketchwars on Facebook. Many of the designers participating are very good, so I do want to try my best. Its been a very fun and creative outlet! Here are my entries during the past year:




After winning last weeks Sketchwars, I was allowed to choose the topic for this week. For this week, I wanted to re-live a fun project from Soulcake times with rayguns. It was a great excuse to be fun and loose. With rayguns, you can explore form, color and materials.

Lately, I haven't been hand sketching as much. I thought this project would be a good way to practice form exploration and to feel comfortable sketching with pen. It was a lot of fun to create nice pen drawings and to color with the computer. As a designer, I feel that I should still feel comfortable sketching with traditional media. I should be less afraid to be loose.